Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Testing 1 2 3

Well if you are reading this, you are probably Joe, or a friend of Joe.

In light of that, I will say "Hi Joe, or friend of Joe as the case may be"

I have blogged on other sites before, but I thought I would give this one a try.

I work with Joe at WJYO in Fort Myers Florida, at 11 o clock I kick him out of his chair and tell him to go home. If I didn't I think his wife might never see him again. No wait, he would go home at some point to log some flight hours. :)

I have been working at Kingdom FM for just over a year now, overall it has been a great experience. My first, six weeks or so were spent trying to figure out how to work the NexGen system. My next six weeks were spent trying to figure out why NexGen didn't do x y or z. From that time on, I seem to have spent trying to figure out how to MAKE NexGen do what it should. Today for example, it takes a 4 minute radio feature (loaded by cd) and put a 2 minute feature that plays in the afternoon (loaded by ftp) in it's place. At least one listener was upset and called about that.

Well, let me see if I can get back on topic now, that is of course assuming I had a topic. I'm new to blogger, I'll give this a try for a while. More then anything this will probably be related to life here at the station. I'll head off now, there is more spam email messages waiting to be deleted in our inbox.


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